IJBST 2016 Volume 9 Issue 9
International Journal of BioSciences and Technology (IJBST) ISSN: 0974-3987
IJBST Journal Group -- Open Access -- NO Fees -- NO Processing Charges -- 100% Non Profit Initiatives
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Heavy Metal and Microbial Analysis of Municipal Water Treatment Plant. Livinus Miracle Uwa. IJBST (2016), 9(9):52-57
Heavy Metal and Microbial Analysis of Municipal Water Treatment Plant
Authors & Affiliation:
Livinus Miracle Uwa
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Nasarawa State University-Keffi, NIGERIA
This study investigates the quality of drinking water obtained from a water treatment plant (Mada Water Works) located at Gudi-Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study presents the quantitative analysis of heavy metal content of the treated water and also a microbiological assay which reveals the purity of the water. The water sample which was collected from the treated water reservoir of the plant was analyzed to determine the heavy metal and microbial components of the municipal water which is been distributed to some parts of the State. The heavy metals analyzed were; Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pd), Arsenic (As), Vanadium (V), Chromium (Cr), Aluminum (Al) and Zinc (Zn). The results of this analysis were compared against drinking water quality standards laid by World Health Organization (WHO), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON). These results indicate that the parameters agree with the set standards of drinking water with few exceptions. Arsenic (As), and Chromium (Cr) concentration which were far above the permissible limit may be due to poor water treatment and handling. This is also applicable to the microbial analysis which totally falls below the permissible standard. The continual ingestion of these metals and microbes via the water could result to hazardous health effects. This study also serves as a main part of pollution study within the environment, as such, it now behooves on all the stakeholders to employ and implement adequate measures to ensure the sanity, treatment and safety of the water and the entire environment.
Key words: Heavy metals, quantitative analysis, microbiological test, contaminants, tap water.