
IJBST Journal Group -- Open Access -- NO Fees -- NO Processing Charges -- 100% Non Profit Initiatives

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April 23, 2017

IJBST published paper cited as reference in US Patent US20110052024 A1

Ref: US Patent US20110052024 A1


The IJBST Journal Group, the Patron Dr. M.K. Stalin, the Board of the IJBST Journal Group & the Editor Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert are hereby pleased to announce that article cited below, published in the IJBST Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 is cited as Ref. 25 in US Patent US20110052024 A1

Article Details:

Denoising of MR Images using Non Linear Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering as a Preprocessing Step. Sankar Seramani, Zhou Jiayin, Chan Kap Luk, N.Malmurugan and A.Nagappan.

Publication URL:

Ref: US Patent US20110052024 A1

Publication date Mar 3, 2011

PDF Format:

Also announced on social media at

February 28, 2017

EBSCO indexes IJBSAT - an associate Journal of the IJBST Journal Group

Service rendered under Article 51A of the Constitution of INDIA to a Constitutional Head of State

Dr. J. Jayalalitha (February 24, 1948 - December 5, 2016) , then Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, INDIA


Patron Emeritus, IJBST Journal Group

Available at:

Online Folder containing the entire content of the Scientific Review can be accessed via link below.

May 10, 2016

Service rendered under Article 51A of the Constitution of INDIA -- Letter to the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of INDIA with Copy to the Constitutional Head of State of the State of Tamil Nadu, INDIA -- assuring continued support to the Judiciary within the framework of the Constitution

Kind Attention:

The Hon'ble Chief Justice, Supreme Court of INDIA

Copy with Respects:

Her Excellency Dr. J. Jayalalitha, Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, INDIA


(1) last accessed 10.05.2016

(2) Service rendered to a Constitutional Head of State -- Dr. J. Jayalalitha, Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, INDIA and

Respected Chief Justice

With due respect to the discussions at the Supreme Court on 10.05.2016 as reported in Ref. 1, the IJBST Journal Group hereby acknowledges, respects & appreciates the concerns deliberated regarding the fundamental duties of a citizen to develop the spirit of enquiry and scientific temper with reference to Article 51A of the Constitution, read together with your esteemed views expressed in Ref. 1.

Though the IJBST Journal Group is pained to note that “99.9% citizens including lawyers, judges and parliamentarians do not perform their fundamental duties prescribed under Article 51 A of constitution,” as expressed by the petitioner Advocate Ashok Arora, still the IJBST Journal Group has done its best in promoting the spirit of scientific enquiry and scientific temper through the Live Scientific Review of the alleged case against Dr. J. Jayalalitha, Constitutional Head of State of the State of Tamil Nadu INDIA. Through the Live Scientific Review, the IJBST Journal Group has shown pathways to scientific reasoning, analysis and achievement of a solution to a case arisen out of a private complaint, which had so many flaws in it (as pointed out in the Live Scientific Review), which also had the potential to snowball into a constitutional crisis due to possible misleading of the Judiciary by the complainant and his aides.

The IJBST Journal Group respects the petitioner’s views that "The dream of framers of our constitution to wipe the last tear from the last eye is nowhere near realization rather millions of citizens go to bed on an empty stomach". This and such concerns are addressed through the unique welfare measures that Dr. J. Jayalalitha has been undertaking for the State of Tamil Nadu for quite a long time. Through this Live Scientific Review, apart from ensuring that Dr. J. Jayalalitha gets justice (that has been long denied to her in this case that in all probability is framed), the Live Scientific Review also attaches more value in getting justice for Dr. J. Jayalalitha, also due to the fact that millions of citizens residing in the State of Tamil Nadu are going to bed with a full stomach, thanks to the efforts of Dr. J. Jayalalitha.

The IJBST Journal Group also respects the petitioner’s views regarding your esteemed self and other brethren Judges that “Recently your lordship made a public statement that your lordships job satisfaction was only five percent I admire your lordship’s candid declaration but it surely does not mean that your lordship’s many other colleagues and those who govern this nation are having a better job satisfaction”. The Live Scientific Review also assists the Judiciary in having a scientific reasoning at hand, to help in ensuring Justice for Dr. J. Jayalalitha on a case that in all probability should be a framed one.

Further, the IJBST Journal Group records and appreciates your esteemed self's views that there is no spirit of enquiry and scientific temper in today’s youth but the Supreme Court can do precious little in this regard. The IJBST Journal Group has attempted a solution for this through the Live Scientific Review, and hopes that this will show a pathway for the youth. We do NOT expect much from the Supreme Court, given the load of legal work on the Supreme Court. However, it will be sufficient if the Supreme Court continues to provide sufficient legal room and Constitutional space for deliberation which helped the Live Scientific Review to be done. We shall continue to do our best within the framework of the Constitution.

Your esteemed self has also raised a query whether the Supreme Court can issue a mandamus. The IJBST Journal Group seeks to suggest that a mandamus might be welcome, but there could possibly be a small difference in quality between doing and recording a work due to force of a mandamus and doing a work from the dictates of the conscience. The rest is for the eminent Judiciary to decide in the best interests of the Nation.

The IJBST Journal Group also appreciates your esteemed self's views that "Many problems are there but does the court have a solution for this". The IJBST Journal Group seeks to suggest that the Judiciary need not worry. The IJBST Journal Group shall be there to assist in achieving solutions. Seeing the example set by the IJBST Journal Group, there could be other Scientific forums that might also come in to help in achieving solutions in the future.

The IJBST Journal Group assures that it will continue to serve with special emphasis to Article 51A of the Constitution which defines the fundamental duties of a citizen and enjoins upon every citizen to develop the spirit of enquiry and scientific temper.

Further, the unsaid part of this discussion at the Supreme Court also serves to highlight the significance of the Live Scientific Review of the alleged case against Dr. J. Jayalalitha. If such Live Scientific Reviews had been offered in all other cases, it would have surely helped the Judiciary to access scientific reasoning and scientific insight regarding each case, which would have surely helped in speedy disposal of every case.

The IJBST Journal Group records its immense pleasure as accepting this discussion in the Supreme Court as appreciation of its Service done as the Live Scientific Review of the alleged case against Dr. J. Jayalalitha.

It is also acknowledged by the IJBST Journal Group, that a provision might not be there to openly appreciate the Live Scientific Review. Hence, this subtle appreciation by the Supreme Court through this discussion at the Supreme Court is accepted and acknowledged as appreciation of the Supreme Court and the Judiciary for the Live Scientific Review of the alleged case against Dr. J. Jayalalitha.

The IJBST Journal Group shall continue to serve Science & Mankind at the highest levels of Professional Ethical Conduct.

With Thanks & Warmest Regards

Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert

Founding Editor, IJBST Journal Group

Signed this day, the tenth of May, 2016

March 27, 2016

Service rendered to a Constitutional Head of State -- Dr. J. Jayalalitha, Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, INDIA

The Live Scientific Review of the Judgements of Kunha, Kumarasamy and the live proceedings of the Supreme Court of INDIA (425 pages)

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December 22, 2015

Certificate of Recognition &

Investiture of

Selvi J. Jayalalitha

as Patron

By virtue of the highest professional ethical conduct that the IJBST Journal Group has adhered to since inception & by virtue of the executive authority vested in me as Founding Editor of the IJBST Journal Group,

read together with

· historical events that manifested as lighting up pathways to the Judiciary through Scientific Reviews of a Court Case while it was still in motion (since lower court judgement to Appeals and beyond), also

· possibly endorsed indirectly as advice to State Govt. machinery & State Police Department by the State High Court of Karnataka that conducted the specific case to conduct all processes in Scientific ways in future (subsequent to publication of the Scientific Reviews of Judgements in Social Media); and

· further to indicate that the current Editor and all other Editors following suit in future shall subscribe to the Scientific Reviews of the Judgements &

· at NO point in future will the Journals disown the defendant to whom injustice has possibly been caused due to faults pointed out in the Scientific Reviews of the Judgements

and hence

Selvi J. Jayalalitha, the defendant

is hereby Investitured as a Patron of the IJBST Journal Group

Together, all of us shall stand for the sake of Justice...

Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert

Founding Editor, IJBST Journal Group

Signed this 22nd day of December, 2015


May 11, 2015

From the Desk of the Editor, IJBST Group of Journals

Live Scientific Review of a Judgement and Appellate Court's acquittal of Her Excellency The Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha in agreement with the Live Scientific Review of the lower court's judgement.

Teachers and Researchers will henceforth be respected as Pillars of Democracy and Guardians of the Constitution of INDIA, by virtue of the review of the Michael D’Cunha Judgement by Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert (Editor, IJBST Group of Journals and the further subsequent processes at the Supreme Court of INDIA and the Appellate Court of the State High Court of the State of Karnataka in INDIA that resulted in the acquittal of Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha, in agreement with Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert's Live Review of the Michael D'Cunha Judgement and further processes.

For more details please feel free to visit



In a sensational legal battle foisted by political rivals, that spanned a period of 18 years, Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha, the Head of State of the State of Tamil Nadu in INDIA was awarded a sentence of 4 years imprisonment and a hefty fine of 1 billion Indian Rupees (or 16.67 million dollars at the exchange rate of 1 US$ = 60 INR) on Sept. 27, 2014.

The Editor of the IJBST Group of Journals Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert reviewed the judgement (sentence) scientifically and the review indicated unexplained irregularities and possibility of propagation of irregularities accompanied with motivated or accidental catalytic activity of the case proceedings to lean towards conviction and published it on facebook and on his website at during the period Oct. 12-16,2014.

On Oct. 17, 2014 the Supreme Court of INDIA granted bail to Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha.

On May 11, 2015 the Appellate court (State High Court of the State of Karnataka in INDIA) in its landmark judgement acquitted Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha in agreement with the scientific review of the lower court's judgement.

This is a significant and unique landmark in the Scientific and Research Pursuits of the Nation of INDIA, wherein a scientific/research opinion was provided for a Live Case Proceedings (instead of the regular research activities which might research on past cases). Consequent to the scientific review, the flaws in the Judgement has been appraised and it helped the Judiciary to identify and correct the flaws, and further resulted in a very significant outcome as acquittal of Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha, Head of State of the State of Tamil Nadu in INDIA.

Teachers and Researchers will henceforth be respected as Pillars of Democracy and Guardians of the Constitution of INDIA, by virtue of the live review of the Michael D’Cunha Judgement by Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert and the further processes at the Supreme Court of INDIA and subsequent processes at the Appellate Court of the State High Court of the State of Karnataka in INDIA that resulted in the acquittal of Her Excellency Hon'ble Selvi J. Jayalalitha, in agreement with Prof. Dr. Prabhu Britto Albert's Live Review of the Michael D'Cunha Judgement and further processes.

For more details please feel free to visit

March 31, 2014

From the Desk of the Editor, IJBST

Congratulations to Ms. Malarvizhi from

The Patron, Editor, Advisory Board & Editorial Board of the International Journal of BioSciences and Technology

with Thanks to The Hindu

Scanned from The Hindu Metroplus Coimbatore Edition dt. March 31, 2014 pg. 2

Ref: A Comprehensive Eco-friendly Total Waste Management Solution for Cosmopolitan Cities like Coimbatore with Resultant Pollutant-less Surface Water and Reduced Demand on Ground Water Accompanied with Greener Input for Some Polluting Manufacturing Processes. Malarvizhi Shanmugam. IJBST (2013), 6(4):17-36


May 07, 2013 (last accessed May 07, 2013; last accessed page as pdf file) The IJBST Board Members have a free account from Google Apps since 2008. The IEEE has announced recently (via email on May 07, 2013) that IEEE Members will be given a account on Google Apps soon. This comes as part of the paid IEEE Membership

July 2, 2010

IJBET indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) -- since July 2, 2010

March 13, 2010

IJBST and its associated Journals processed 124 manuscripts during period Jan 2008 to March 2010 (Detailed Status Report)

March 10, 2010

IJBST website clocks 50,000 pageviews (Visitor pageview report -- as on 19:13 hours Indian Standard Time on March 10, 2010)

Feb 9, 2010

EBSCO initiates indexing of the International Journal of BioSciences and Technology IJBST

Feb 3, 2010

Indexed in the NLM Journal Catalog[NlmId]

January 24, 2010

IJBST visitor statistics report of period March 1, 2008 to Jan 24, 2010 (441 pages)

June 12, 2009

Letter from Her Royal Highness, Her Majesty The Queen of England, Her Excellency Queen Elizabeth II dated 12th June 2009 sent via Mrs. Sonia Bonici, Senior Correspondence Officer, Buckingham Palace to Prof. Prabhu Britto communicating Her Majesty's appreciative comments for Prof. Prabhu Britto's editorial work on the IJBST and its associate journals (where he is Founding Editor). Her Majesty has also conveyed best wishes to the Board of the non-profit making IJBST and its Associate Journals.

April 22, 2009

Letter from the Hon'ble President of INDIA, Her Excellency Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil through Shri. Barun Mitra, Joint Secretary to the President of INDIA, President's Secretariat, Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi, INDIA

Ref. No. 9/Per.Cell/2009 dt. 13th April 2009 -- Quote "..... The President has sent her greetings to the Organization and its members and wished them all success in their activities....." End Quote.

As a mark of respect to Her Excellency, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Hon'ble President of INDIA, the IJBST has dedicated the inaugural issue of its associate Journal, the IJBLST in honor of Her Excellency, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil.

May 5, 2008:

Short Report by The Hindu Business Line

June 17, 2008:

Obtained ISSN Number

June 18, 2008:

Received letter from The Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil through the Officer on Special Duty, President's Secretariat, Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi, Smt. Archana Datta extending Goodwill to the International Journal of BioSciences and Technology (IJBST).


All Queries may kindly be addressed to the Editor, Prof. A. Prabhu Britto (Alternate Email id)

All Queries may kindly be addressed to the Editor, Prof. A. Prabhu Britto (,,